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The history of surfing in Spain
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It is believed that the starting point in the surfing development on the European continent is the summer of 1956 in Biarritz (France)....
Getting ready for surfing in urban environment
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Pity, but not all of us live by the ocean and we spend most of the year in a city with no way to catch waves. However, surfing isn’t ju...
Surfspots in Las Americas
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Surfing is practiced at various spots in Las Americas located within walking distance of our station. We’ve prepared a description of L...
How important is rowing when it comes to surfing?
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Have you ever thought, while picturing your first surfing, that you’ll have to row a lot? Few thought about it before they started su...
Irina Kosobukina conquered immense waves of Nazare
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Meet Irina Kosobukina who is the first Russian surfer girl to have conquered the waves of Nazare! Ira is a member of the Russian nation...
Kids surfing
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Introducing any sport to children and grabbing their attention is anything but easy. However, the challenge is one of the most fascinat...
Public transport in Tenerife
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The island can boast a well-developed bus network, which is an inexpensive and comfy way to see Tenerife if you’re reluctant to rent a ...
Wetsuits for surfing
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When planning a trip to spots where the water temperature is far from warm, it’s important to know how to protect your body from hypoth...
Surfing etiquette
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Surfing is gaining popularity and the number of people on line ups is increasing. Rather unpleasant occurrences take place on water and...
How to get from South and North Tenerife Airport to Las Americas?
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There are two airports on the island: northern (TFN) and southern (TFS). The southern airport is larger. All direct flights from Russia...
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